Super Convenient Draft Management & File Conversion
= Save and Manage Drafts in Your Browser =

Draft Management Tool Language Index
 Japanese [日本語]  
 English [英語]  
 Korean [韓国語]  
 Simplified Chinese [简体中文]  
 Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]  
 Español [スペイン語]  
 Français [フランス語]  
 Português [ポルトガル語]  
 Deutsch [ドイツ語]  
 Italiano [イタリア語]  
 Russian [ロシア語]  
 Turkish [トルコ語]  
 Hindi [ヒンディー語]  
 Vietnamese [ベトナム語]  
 Thai [タイ語]  
 Dutch [オランダ語]  
 Indonesian [インドネシア語]  
 Malay [マレー語]  
 Filipino [フィリピン語]  
 Swedish [スウェーデン語]  
 Norwegian [ノルウェー語]  
 Danish [デンマーク語]  
 Finnish [フィンランド語]  
 Polish [ポーランド語]  
 Czech [チェコ語]  
 Hungarian [ハンガリー語]  
 Greek [ギリシャ語]  
 Romanian [ルーマニア語]  
 Tagalog [タガログ語]  
 Ukrainian [ウクライナ語]  
 Arabic [アラビア語]  
 Draft Management Tool HTML File Download   
Please download the file and place it on your own computer for your use.
The "Draft Management Tool" below is a demonstration.

《Draft Management Tool》

This "Draft Management Tool" allows you to create and manage text drafts simply and efficiently using your browser. Your input is automatically saved, eliminating the need to manually save with a name. A timestamp is automatically added upon saving, and copying or exporting your drafts is also easy.
The entered data is stored in the user's browser's "local storage" and is not sent to the server. The data is saved only on the user's device, ensuring privacy.
However, please note that the data in local storage may be lost if the computer is shut down or restarted. While the data remains even if the browser is closed, it may be deleted if the history or cache is cleared. We recommend regular exports.
《 Draft Management Tool Demo 》
  • You can download the code and use it.
  • Please place it on your desktop or elsewhere on your computer for use.
  • There are no restrictions on use. Please adapt it to your own environment as needed.


Last updated : 2024/10/28