Quick Notes
A Simple Yet Powerful Note Tool

Language Index
 Japanese [日本語]  
 English [英語]  
 Korean [韓国語]  
 Simplified Chinese [简体中文]  
 Traditional Chinese [繁體中文]  
 Español [スペイン語]  
 Français [フランス語]  
 Português [ポルトガル語]  
 Deutsch [ドイツ語]  
 Italiano [イタリア語]  
 Russian [ロシア語]  
 Turkish [トルコ語]  
 Hindi [ヒンディー語]  
 Vietnamese [ベトナム語]  
 Thai [タイ語]  
 Dutch [オランダ語]  
 Indonesian [インドネシア語]  
 Malay [マレー語]  
 Filipino [フィリピン語]  
 Swedish [スウェーデン語]  
 Norwegian [ノルウェー語]  
 Danish [デンマーク語]  
 Finnish [フィンランド語]  
 Polish [ポーランド語]  
 Czech [チェコ語]  
 Hungarian [ハンガリー語]  
 Greek [ギリシャ語]  
 Romanian [ルーマニア語]  
 Tagalog [タガログ語]  
 Ukrainian [ウクライナ語]  
 Arabic [アラビア語]  
"Quick Notes" This note tool is simple yet multifunctional. It features a text area where you can easily input notes, and the notes are displayed immediately after entry. Notes can be saved in local storage and accessed anytime through the browser. The search function helps you quickly filter notes containing specific text, making it easy to find important information even during a busy day. Use this note tool to securely record your ideas and organize your thoughts. No installation required.
 Quick Notes HTML File Download   
You can download the HTML file and use it.
Please place it on your desktop or somewhere on your personal computer to use.
"Sample Demo"
  • You can download the HTML file and use it.
  • Please place it on your desktop or somewhere on your personal computer to use.
  • There are no restrictions on use. Feel free to use it in accordance with your environment.


Last updated : 2024/10/14