Text Encryption and Decryption
= Supporting Secure Data Encryption and Simple Decryption =

Language Index
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《Text Encryption and Decryption Tool》

 This Text Encryption and Decryption Tool uses AES encryption, allowing users to encrypt and decrypt entered text with a password. AES is a highly advanced encryption standard widely adopted by government agencies and corporations to protect important data.
 This tool is useful when securely sending encrypted text via email or as a file. To decrypt, the same password used for encryption is required, adding a layer of security for managing your data securely.
 It is recommended to exercise caution when sharing passwords. For example, when sending encrypted text via email, it's best to share the password through a different method rather than sending it together with the encrypted data.
  • You can download and use the HTML file.
  • Please place it on your desktop for convenient use.
  • There are no usage restrictions. Feel free to adjust it to your environment as needed.


Last updated : 2024/09/19