《HTML特殊文字 & 機種依存文字など》
矢印 & 矢印に使えそうな記号
括弧(かっこ) / 年号・曜日など
漢字 (360文字)
ユニコードに見る月(Moon 🌔 )
《参考》 文字や記号などの様々な変換ツール
《 ユニコードに見る装飾記号 2700~27BF 》
Miscellaneous(その他) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | JISでの名称 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
✀ | Black Safety Scissors | ✀ | ||
✁ | Upper Blade Scissors | ✁ | ||
✂ | Black Scissors | ✂ | ||
✃ | Lower Blade Scissors | ✃ | ||
✄ | White Scissors | ✄ | ||
✅ | White Heavy Check Mark | ✅ | ⇒ 2714(✔) | |
✆ | Telephone Location Sign | ✆ | 2121(℡) 1F4DE(📞) |
✇ | Tape Drive | ✇ | ||
✈ | Airplane | ✈ | 1F6E7(🛧) | |
✉ | Envelope | ✉ | 1F4E8(📨) 1F582(🖂) |
✊ | Raised Fist | ✊ | 1F44A(👊) | |
✋ | Raised Hand | ✋ | 1F44B(👋) 1F590(🖐) |
✌ | Victory Hand | ✌ | 1F594(🖔) | |
✍ | Writing Hand | ✍ | 1F58E(🖎) | |
✎ | Lower Right Pencil | ✎ | 1F589(🖉) | |
✏ | Pencil | ✏ | ||
✐ | Upper Right Pencil | ✐ | ||
✑ | White Nib | ✑ | 1F58B(🖋) | |
✒ | Black Nib | ✒ | ||
✓ | Check Mark | チェックマーク | ✓ | 221A(√) 1F5F8(🗸) |
✔ | Heavy Check Mark | ✔ | ||
✕ | Multiplication X | ✕ | 00D7(×) 2573(╳) |
✖ | Heavy Multiplication X | ✖ | ||
✗ | Ballot X | ✗ | 2613(☓) 1F5F4(🗴) |
✘ | Heavy Ballot X | ✘ | 1F5F6(🗶) |
Crosses(十字) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
✙ | Outlined Greek Cross | ✙ | |
✚ | Heavy Greek Cross | ✚ | 1F7A5(🞥) |
✛ | Open Centre Cross | ✛ | |
✜ | Heavy Open Centre Cross | ✜ | |
✝ | Latin Cross | ✝ | |
✞ | Shadowed White Latin Cross | ✞ | 1F546(🕆) |
✟ | Outlined Latin Cross | ✟ | |
✠ | Maltese Cross | ✠ |
Stars and asterisks(星、アスタリスク) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
✡ | Star Of David | ✡ | 1F52F(🔯) |
✢ | Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk | ✢ | |
✣ | Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk | ✣ | |
✤ | Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk | ✤ | |
✥ | Four Club-Spoked Asterisk | ✥ | |
✦ | Black Four Pointed Star | ✦ | 2BCC(⯌) 1F7C6(🟆) |
✧ | White Four Pointed Star | ✧ | 2BCE(⯎) |
✨ | Sparkles | ✨ | |
✩ | Stress Outlined White Star | ✩ | 2606(☆) |
✪ | Circled White Star | ✪ | |
✫ | Open Centre Black Star | ✫ | |
✬ | Black Centre White Star | ✬ | |
✭ | Outlined Black Star | ✭ | |
✮ | Heavy Outlined Black Star | ✮ | |
✯ | Pinwheel Star | ✯ | |
✰ | Shadowed White Star | ✰ | |
✱ | Heavy Asterisk | ✱ | 002A(*) 1F7B8(🞸) |
✲ | Open Centre Asterisk | ✲ | |
✳ | Eight Spoked Asterisk | ✳ | 1F7BB(🞻) |
✴ | Eight Pointed Black Star | ✴ | |
✵ | Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star | ✵ | 1F7D1(🟑) |
✶ | Six Pointed Black Star | ✶ | |
✷ | Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star | ✷ | 1F7CE(🟎) |
✸ | Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star | ✸ | 1F7CF(🟏) |
✹ | Twelve Pointed Black Star | ✹ | |
✺ | Sixteen Pointed Asterisk | ✺ | |
✻ | Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk | ✻ | |
✼ | Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk | ✼ | |
✽ | Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk | ✽ |
Fleurons(花模様) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
✾ | Six Petalled Black And White Florette | ✾ | |
✿ | Black Florette | ✿ | |
❀ | White Florette | ❀ | 1F3F5(🏵) 1F4AE(💮) |
❁ | Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette | ❁ | 1F3F6(🏶) |
Stars, asterisks and snowflakes(星、アスタリスク、雪の結晶) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
❂ | Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star | ❂ | |
❃ | Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk | ❃ | |
❄ | Snowflake | ❄ | |
❅ | Tight Trifoliate Snowflake | ❅ | |
❆ | Heavy Chevron Snowflake | ❆ | |
❇ | Sparkle | ❇ | |
❈ | Heavy Sparkle | ❈ | |
❉ | Balloon-Spoked Asterisk | ❉ | |
❊ | Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk | ❊ | |
❋ | Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk | ❋ |
Miscellaneous(その他) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | JISでの名称 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
❌ | Cross Mark | ❌ | 00D7(×) 1F5D9(🗙) |
❍ | Shadowed White Circle | ❍ | 1F53E(🔾) | |
❎ | Negative Squared Cross Mark | ❎ | ||
❏ | Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square | ❏ | ||
❐ | Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square | ❐ | ||
❑ | Lower Right Shadowed White Square | ❑ | ||
❒ | Upper Right Shadowed White Square | ❒ | ||
❓ | Black Question Mark Ornament | ❓ | ||
❔ | White Question Mark Ornament | ❔ | ||
❕ | White Exclamation Mark Ornament | ❕ | ||
❖ | Black Diamond Minus White X | 四つ菱 | ❖ | |
❗ | Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol | ❗ | ||
❘ | Light Vertical Bar | ❘ | 007C(|) | |
❙ | Medium Vertical Bar | ❙ | ||
❚ | Heavy Vertical Bar | ❚ |
Punctuation mark ornaments(句読点記号装飾) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
❛ | Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❛ | 2018(‘) |
❜ | Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❜ | 2019(’) |
❝ | Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❝ | 201C(“) 1F676(🙶) |
❞ | Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❞ | 201D(”) 1F677(🙷) |
❟ | Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❟ | 201A(‚) |
❠ | Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament | ❠ | 201E(„) 1F678(🙸) |
❡ | Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament | ❡ | 00B6(¶) |
❢ | Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament | ❢ | 0021(!) |
❣ | Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament | ❣ | |
❤ | Heavy Black Heart | ❤ | 2665(♥) |
❥ | Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet | ❥ |
Fleurons(花模様) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
❦ | Floral Heart | ❦ | |
❧ | Rotated Floral Heart Bullet | ❧ | 2619(☙) 1F65B(🙛) |
Ornamental brackets(装飾括弧) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
❨ | Medium Left Parenthesis Ornament | ❨ | 0028(() |
❩ | Medium Right Parenthesis Ornament | ❩ | 0029()) |
❪ | Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis Ornament | ❪ | |
❫ | Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis Ornament | ❫ | |
❬ | Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament | ❬ | 2329(〈) |
❭ | Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament | ❭ | 232A(〉) |
❮ | Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament | ❮ | 2039(‹) |
❯ | Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Ornament | ❯ | 203A(›) |
❰ | Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament | ❰ | |
❱ | Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament | ❱ | |
❲ | Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament | ❲ | 3014(〔) |
❳ | Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament | ❳ | 3015(〕) |
❴ | Medium Left Curly Bracket Ornament | ❴ | 007B({) |
❵ | Medium Right Curly Bracket Ornament | ❵ | 007D(}) |
Dingbat circled digits(装飾丸付き数字) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | JISでの名称 | Unicode (入力コード) |
❶ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit One | 黒丸1 | ❶ |
❷ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Two | 黒丸2 | ❷ |
❸ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three | 黒丸3 | ❸ |
❹ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Four | 黒丸4 | ❹ |
❺ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Five | 黒丸5 | ❺ |
❻ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Six | 黒丸6 | ❻ |
❼ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Seven | 黒丸7 | ❼ |
❽ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight | 黒丸8 | ❽ |
❾ | Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Nine | 黒丸9 | ❾ |
❿ | Dingbat Negative Circled Number Ten | 黒丸10 | ❿ |
➀ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit One | ➀ | |
➁ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two | ➁ | |
➂ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three | ➂ | |
➃ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four | ➃ | |
➄ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five | ➄ | |
➅ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six | ➅ | |
➆ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven | ➆ | |
➇ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight | ➇ | |
➈ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine | ➈ | |
➉ | Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten | ➉ | |
➊ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit One | ➊ | |
➋ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Two | ➋ | |
➌ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Three | ➌ | |
➍ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Four | ➍ | |
➎ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Five | ➎ | |
➏ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Six | ➏ | |
➐ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Seven | ➐ | |
➑ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Eight | ➑ | |
➒ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit Nine | ➒ | |
➓ | Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number Ten | ➓ |
Dingbat arrow(装飾矢印) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➔ | Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow | ➔ | 1F872(🡲) |
Heavy variants of arithmetic symbols(算術記号の異体太字) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➕ | Heavy Plus Sign | ➕ | 002B(+) |
➖ | Heavy Minus Sign | ➖ | 2212(−) |
➗ | Heavy Division Sign | ➗ | 00F7(÷) |
Dingbat arrows(装飾矢印) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➘ | Heavy South East Arrow | ➘ | |
➙ | Heavy Rightwards Arrow | ➙ | |
➚ | Heavy North East Arrow | ➚ | |
➛ | Drafting Point Rightwards Arrow | ➛ | |
➜ | Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow | ➜ | |
➝ | Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow | ➝ | |
➞ | Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow | ➞ | |
➟ | Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow | ➟ | |
➠ | Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow | ➠ | |
➡ | Black Rightwards Arrow | ➡ | 2B05(⬅) 2B95(⮕) |
➢ | Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead | ➢ | 2B9A(⮚) |
➣ | Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead | ➣ | |
➤ | Black Rightwards Arrowhead | ➤ | 2B9E(⮞) |
➥ | Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards Arrow | ➥ | 2BA9(⮩) |
➦ | Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards Arrow | ➦ | 2BAB(⮫) |
➧ | Squat Black Rightwards Arrow | ➧ | 1F842(🡂) |
➨ | Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow | ➨ | |
➩ | Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow | ➩ | 1F8A5(🢥) |
➪ | Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow | ➪ | 1F8A7(🢧) |
➫ | Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➫ | 1F8A9(🢩) |
➬ | Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➬ | 1F8AB(🢫) |
➭ | Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➭ | |
➮ | Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➮ | |
➯ | Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➯ | 1F89A(🢚) |
Miscellaneous(その他) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➰ | Curly Loop | ➰ |
Dingbat arrows(装飾矢印) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➱ | Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow | ➱ | |
➲ | Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow | ➲ | |
➳ | White-Feathered Rightwards Arrow | ➳ | |
➴ | Black-Feathered South East Arrow | ➴ | |
➵ | Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow | ➵ | |
➶ | Black-Feathered North East Arrow | ➶ | |
➷ | Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow | ➷ | |
➸ | Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow | ➸ | |
➹ | Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow | ➹ | |
➺ | Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards Arrow | ➺ | |
➻ | Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards Arrow | ➻ | |
➼ | Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow | ➼ | |
➽ | Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow | ➽ | |
➾ | Open-Outlined Rightwards Arrow | ➾ |
Miscellaneous(その他) |
記号 | ユニコードでの英名 | Unicode (入力コード) |
参考 |
➿ | Double Curly Loop | ➿ |