[ Proverbs in English・日本にほんのことわざ ]

「目次」へ 「あ行」へ 「か行」へ 「さ行」へ 「た行」へ 「な行」へ ここが「は行」です 「ま行」へ 「や行」へ 「ら行」へ 「わ行」へ
馬鹿の一つ覚え A fool's bolt is soon shot.
馬耳東風ばじとうふう Go in one ear and out the other.
始めよければ終わりよし Well begun is half done.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
八方美人はっぽうびじん everybody's friend
A person who is affable to everybody.
Everybody's friend is nobody's friend.
花より団子 Bread is better than the songs of birds.
Pudding rather than praise.
早い者勝ち The early bird catches the worm.
First come, first served.
早起きは三文さんもんとく The early bird catches the worm.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
早合点はやがてんの早忘れ Soon learnt, soon forgotten.
早合点はやがてんは禁物 One swallow does not make a summer.
腹が減っては戦はできぬ An army marches on its stomach.
The mill stands that wants water.
バラにとげあり No rose is without a thorn.
There is no rose without a thorn.
腹八分目に医者いらず Feed by measure and defy the physician.
Temperance is the best physic.

 ⇒ 好機を逃すな ⇒ 鉄は熱いうちに打て ⇒ 善は急げ
Make hay while the sun shines.
光る物必ずしも金ならず All is not that glitters.
All that glitters is not gold.
ひさしを貸して母屋おもやを取られる Give him an inch and he'll take an ell.
Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard.
必要は発明の母 = きゅうすればつう Necessity is the mother of invention.
一つのことにすべてを賭けるな Don't put all your egg in one basket.
人手が多ければ仕事は楽 Many hands make light work.
人の噂も七十五日しちじゆうごにち A wonder lasts but nine days.
It will be a nine days wonder.
人の口には戸が立てられぬ Anyone can start a rumor, but none can stop one.
People will talk.
人の振り見て我が振り直せ Learn from the follies of others.
By other's fault men correct their own.
Learn wisdom by the follies of others.
人は言葉より行いで判断される Actions speak louder than words.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
人はパンのみにて生くるものにあら Man cannot live by bread alone.
Man shall not live by bread alone.
人は見かけによらぬもの Appearances are deceptive.
Appearances are deceiving.
Never judge by appearance.
人を見たら泥棒と思え Man is a wolf to man.
火のない所に煙は立たぬ There is no smoke without fire.
No smoke without fire.
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
百聞ひゃくぶん一見いっけんかず Seeing is believing.
To see is to believe.
ひょうたんから駒 = うそからでたまこと = 冗談から駒が出る Many a true word is spoken in jest.
There is many a true word spoken in jest.
貧すれば鈍する Poverty dulls the wit.

覆水ふくすい盆に返らず = 落花らっかえだ に帰らず = 後悔先に立たず It is no use crying over spilled milk.
It is no use crying over spilt milk. (英)
What is done cannot be undone.
風前ふうぜんともしび A candle flickering before the wind.
夫婦喧嘩ふうふげんかは犬も食わぬ One should not interfere in lover's quarrels.
笛吹けども踊らず We piped for you, and you did not dance.
河豚ふぐは食いたし命はしし Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
不言実行ふげんじっこう Actions speak louder than words.
Deeds, not words.
武士に二言にごんなし A bargain is a bargain.
A promise is a promise.
A man’s word is as good as his bond.
武士は食わねど高楊枝たかようじ Eagles eat no flies.
豚に真珠 = 猫に小判 Do not cast pearls before swine.
Cast not pearls before swine.
Do not throw pearls before swine.
二人いなけりゃ喧嘩にゃならぬ = 相手のない喧嘩はできぬ = 喧嘩両成敗けんかりょうせいばい It takes two to make a quarrel.
冬来たりなば、春遠からじ If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
降れば土砂降り = 二度あることは三度ある History repeats itself.
It never rains but it pours.
刎頸ふんけいまじわり A friend in need is a friend indeed.
文は武に勝る The pen is mightier than the sword.

へそで茶を沸かす It would make a horse laugh.
下手へたな鉄砲も数撃ちゃ当たる He who shoots often, hits at last.
Throw dirt enough and some will stick.
Fling dirt enough and some will stick.
下手の道具調べ A bad workman always blames his tools.
A bad workman finds fault with his tools.
A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.
下手の長談義ながだんぎ Brevity is the soul of wit.
ペンは剣よりも強し The pen is mightier than the sword.

坊主憎けりゃ袈裟けさまでにくい = 愛、屋烏おくうおよぶぶ = 屋烏の愛 Love me, love my dog.
吠える犬はかまぬ/吠える犬は噛みつかぬ A barking dog seldom bites.
ほとけ作ってたましい入れず Ploughing the field and forgetting the seeds.
骨折り損の草臥くたびもう Great pains but all in vain.
本末転倒ほんまつてんとう Don't put the cart before the horse.

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Last updated : 2024/06/28