Romanized Title of Chapter Two of the Lotus Sutra, Expedient Means
"Myōhō Renge Kyō Hōbenbon Dai-ni"

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"Chapter Two of the Lotus Sutra, Expedient Means"
"妙法蓮華経方便品第二 - Myōhō Renge Kyō Hōbenbon Dai-ni"

"The second chapter of the Lotus Sutra, "The Expedient Means," is part of the Buddhist scripture "Lotus Sutra" and deals with the important concept of expedient means. This scripture shows the means to make the teachings of Buddhism easier to understand, and particularly deepens that theme in "The Expedient Means" chapter."

In Japanese, the reading of "方便品" (hōbenbon) can be pronounced as "Hobenbon," "Hobenhon," or "Hobenpon," but here we have used "Hobenbon."

On this page, we have provided the romanized pronunciation of "The Lotus Sutra - Chapter Two: Expedient Means" in Japanese. This represents the pronunciation used for chanting and may not always correspond to the correct reading of the kanji characters.

Some parts are also uttered as a prompt, depending on how they are chanted.

《Hōbenbon PDF version》


Last updated : 2024/06/27